Wednesday 30 November 2016


There was a variery of different fonts that could be used in the production of my Digi Pack. This has been shown in the above image. However. I have choosen to use the font AR DESTINE. This is as it is a sans serif font presenting my artist as being both masculine and powerful. It is also very bold making it stand out. This font has been shown in the above gif.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Album Name - Audience Feedback

This post includes audience feedback from the name of my album cover. This audience feedback will help me in terms of knowing what the audience feel about the name of my album.

Album Name

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This post shows some of the potential album names that I have and explains why I have chosen them. It finally goes through the reasons why I have chosen to call my album 'REFLECTION'

Monday 28 November 2016

Digi Pack- Flat Plan

This is a flat plan for my Digi pack. It goes through the basic layout of my Digi pack and explains why each section will be useful.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Digi-pack ideas 1

One of the main ideas foe my Digi pack is to have a black and white background of a city. This would directly link to the overall theme of my Digi pack which is looing back on Hackim's life. Having it in black and white can be used to signify the past how gloomy it was in comparison to his future.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Digi Pack Treatment

This is my initial treatment for my Digi pack, this shows my plans for my digi pack and how I plan to achieve this.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Casting Changes - Female Lead.

Due to uncontrollable reasons the actress for the music video has been changed. This beautiful young lady is Leloo. We felt as if Leloo would be the best lead for our music video as she is both beautiful and confident. Being in front of the camera seems to come naturally to her and this should be very helpful in terms of producing a realistic music video. Although we were not able to carry out market research on Leloo. It is clear that from her 1000 + followers of the same age of our target audience and the likes and positive comments she gets on her social media page that she would be a perfect fit!

Friday 4 November 2016

Shooting Script

This post is a shooting script showing what each scene will consist of. It has been done using existing music video clips and links each one to the lyrics of our chosen song.

Audience Feedback - Music Video Mock Up

This shows audience feedback for my music video mock up. It includes screen shots of my music video mock up and comments that I received from showing this to various people. This feedback will be used to aid me in the production of my own music video.

Music Video - Mock Up

Video (3) from Yasmin Wilks on Vimeo.

This is a mock up of a music video using parts of existing videos. This post shows how it was edited (using Filmora) and the finished product. This music video has been edited to the song in which I will be using for my own music video (Deuces) and also contains some of the shot types, locations and editing techniques such as split screen that I will be using in my own music video.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Risk Assesment

This post shows flash cards of both hazards and the control measures that will be taken to prevent these hazards. This risk assessment will be helpful in keeping both the crew and members of the public safe.


This posts shows some of the main equipment that will be needed in order to produce our music video. Other pieces of equipment that may be useful include: print outs - (shooting schedule, lyrics, permissions), tripods, lighting equipment, spare batteries, emergency contact details, mobile phones, location plans, models, costumes changes and a car.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Introduction Script

This is the script for the introduction of my music video. This is as my introduction will be an argument so it is essential that the models get scripts so that they know exactly what they need to say.

Audience Feedback - Models

I have chosen to use social media as audience feedback on my models. In particular Instagram, this is because social media accounts reach a wide range of people. It allows comments to be made on images and videos. Also it is stereotypical that young people use social media the most. Which is my target audience. Above is some of the comments left on my models social media accounts. All of these comments were positive showing that they were both good choices.


Powered by emaze This post show the costume ideas for my music video. It also explains why each item has been chosen.

Casting For Models

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This post shows the two models that I will be using for my music video. It also explains why we have chosen each of the models.

Permissions For Locations

This is a screenshot from my emails. It shows an email to both Croydon and Bromley Council asking for permission to film in the area.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Audience Feedback - Locations

A range of people were asked what they thought of my individual locations and how they could be improved. The comments that I received were largely positive and included people asking how they could visit there themselves. However, they did think that some of the locations that we had chosen were quite far away and may be difficult to get to. For this reason in my model meeting I will be discussing with each of my models if the locations are convenient for them. Additionally 3 of our 4 group members drive. So if there are any problems we will be able to pick up our models.

Location Ideas

This post shows the ideas for the location of my music video with images and short explanations.